Monday, March 1, 2010

Still ticking away...

Went in for 16 week OB appointment.

So far the most stressful part of these appointments for me is the part where they take my vital signs. At least today my favorite little nurse was there. And when I say little, I mean little. She probably comes up to the midway point between my waist and my boobs. See, little! Anyway instead of taking the time to take blood pressure manually, they use this machine, which almost always registers my blood pressure in the pre-hypertension range. I reminded her of this and sure enough, she didn't listen, but proceeded to lecture me when it came out high. Whatever lady! If there weren't other people in there, I probably would have smacked another couple of inches off her, starting with her "Mom Hair Helmet!" But, I was brought up to not act like a complete fool in public so out to the waiting room I went, where Kyle was enthralled by the breastfeeding segment on the Newborn Channel. All breasts, nipples and areolas -- basically a little soft core porn to start the day. I know, I know, it's not porn but the miracle of life, but I barely look at my own, so I don't want to someone else's with my donut and chocolate milk!

Our regular nurse practitioner is awesome. I wasn't even mad that after she measured my uterus, she commented on my developing pooch. I told her it was just my old beer belly getting filled up! She has decided that I am completely crazy(and I am) but she did say I can come and see her every two weeks instead of every four weeks if that would be make me feel better. She has no idea what she has gotten herself into. Because of the level of crazy I've exhibited, she highly recommended against our plan to get a fetal heart monitor for the house. I agree. I mean, what if I couldn't find it because the little kolohe (rascal in Hawaiian) was hiding? That would be my kid, hiding because they have done something they have no business doing and don't want to get caught.

It took a while for her to find the heartbeat, but find it she did, and I was relieved! The big, strong man in my life? Well, obviously a lot more sensitive than me, had eyes filled with tears. Thankfully he didn't cry though, because I know I would have laughed out loud! Yes, we are in the midst of a complete role reversal. I bet he's waiting for the hormones kick in where I become more emotional. I keep reminding him that every woman is different and instead of making me more emotional, I'm likely to become more paranoid and crazier than ever. I wonder which one he'd REALLY prefer.

In any case, Baby Matoush's heartbeat was loud and clear, so we'll take that to mean that all is well. Next step? I get to go to Maternal Medicine to have my "at 36 you are really too old to be having a baby" ultrasound as a high risk patient. Hopefully we'll be able to figure out the little stinker's sex so I can get cracking on my nesting preparations!

Happy Day!