Sunday, March 21, 2010

My first belly intrusion

I heard it.  I'm sure you've heard it.  I just never thought it would happen to me.  Alas, the myth is true.  People -- relative strangers, in fact -- really do feel compelled to touch a pregnant lady's belly.

By now most of you have heard about the dead squirrel in our vents. On the day the maintenance folks came to  remove it, I'd be home alone. Because he's a good fiancé, unbeknownst to me, Kyle made arrangements for an older couple down the hall to come down while the maintenance and pest control people were here to be with me for moral support.  Wonderful gesture, but also very annoying.  I'm 36 years old, and I've lived on my own for the last 13 years!  I've had maintenance people in my place of residence before.  I know what to do if I'm uncomfortable, and I know how to act when they stop acting right.  I really didn't want to have to entertain people while the maintenance and pest control folks did their thing, so when Margaret came by, I thanked her and let her know things were under control.

The guys found and removed the dead animal in under 20 minutes, and then went out their truck to get supplies to clean the area and patch up the holes.  When they returned, they brought a visitor.  It was Margaret's husband, Ennio.  He's such a nice little old man, with the cutest Polish accent.  He inquired about the work, said the apartment smelled a lot better and asked how I was doing, as he frequently does since finding out about the baby.

Then. It. Happened.

Before I knew it, he had reached over, patted my belly, and asked about the baby!

In my head I was screaming, "Step away from the belly old man!"  And just like that it was over.

I got through this first violation. I can accept now that there will be others.  The only question is how I will handle the others.  As my friends though, you've been warned.  Enter my belly region without my permission at your own risk.  Pass it on!

At 18.5 weeks (4.5 months). I could have sworn folks said I wouldn't show until my sixth month. Damn...this apparently going to be a long road -- there and back!