Friday, April 2, 2010

He's Coming!

Most people already know this, but Kyle and I found out we're having a boy! We were excited...and relieved!  I've been very anxious the last few weeks thinking we might have a girl. Not that we wouldn't have been just as excited, but mentally I don't think we are/were prepared for raising a girl. I'm not prissy. What if we had a prissy girl? Everyone kept saying that she would grow up to be however we modeled her. I say, nope. My mom was kind of prissy back in the day and my sister and I are damn near frat boys! My prayer was answered. Our baby boy is healthy so far and we'd like to keep in that way!

The ultrasound was a lot of fun. Our doctor was awesome. He regaled us with stories of 11-pound babies (please pray that doesn't happen to me) and deliveries from the old days of anesthesia and forceps while we watched our little boy move around on the screen. He's a feisty one...or maybe it was the Diet Coke I had that morning to make sure he wasn't sleeping and we could check out his package and know what we're getting into.  It was really cool. While the doc took various pictures of our growing boy, I tried to figure out what was on the screen. At one point I asked if one huge circle was his head. The doc said, "No, that's his butt." That's when he pointed out the "pee pee" (as he called it). Can't believe I thought my son's package was a really big ear! Good thing we have a professional -- he gets paid to make me look crazy, but I really didn't need any help!

Because my fiancé has proved to be a sensitive one, at one point I felt like I had to check on him as he watched the ultrasound over my shoulder.
Me:  You alright back there?
Kyle: Yep.
Me:  You sure? We got any tears?
Kyle: Nope, I'm keeping it in.

I only tease him because I love how he's so involved in it all and I'm privileged to be with a man that isn't ashamed to show his emotions.

Now that we know it's a boy, we've narrowed down the names but have decided that we'll keep the one we choose to ourselves -- not necessarily my choice, but Kyle doesn't ask for a lot, and since he's asked for this, I will oblige. See, I CAN compromise!

I know, this isn't like my usual posts, but it was one I wanted to share.
Happy Easter!

Isn't he precious?